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Categories - News

Filou-Music10 out on December 16

‚The Circle‘ by m.i.c.r.o. / Filou-Music 10

Artist: m.i.c.r.o.
Release: The Circle
Tracks: The Circle, Feel You
Mastering: Helmut Erler @ Dubplates & Mastering , Berlin

We will end 2016 with the Berlin based producer m.i.c.r.o. who delivers his two track EP ‚The Circle‘ on Filou-Music. The first track ‚Feel It‘ is a deep, atmospheric piece of techno -perfect to heat up the club for the peak-time. The release is completed by a driving, percussive track named ‚The Circle‘. No more words to say – enjoy!

Helmut Erler, Dubplates & Mastering Berlin

‚Helio EP‘ by Beachman / Filou-Music 09 Trailer

‚Helio EP‘ by Beachman / Filou-Music 09
Clip-Track: ‚Ruatinim Shoot‘ by Beachman

Artist: Beachman
Release: Helio EP
Tracks: Atmosphere / Rage Bass / Ruatinim Shoot
Mastering: Helmut Erler @ Dubplates & Mastering , Berlin

Filou-Music 09 is now available in stores!


Helio EP‘ by Beachman / Filou-Music 09

After a small break we are happy to wellcome a new artist on Filou-Music. Beachman from Barcelona releases three tracks on his Helio EP, which perfectly matches the season. The first track ‚Atmosphere‘ is a deep and melodic piece of techno, that brings the last summer one more time back to your mind. On the other hand there are ‚Rage Bass‘ and ‚Ruatinim Shoot‘, two rolling techno weapons, which will provide just the right heat for the upcoming winter. So have a listen to Filou-Music’s number nine – Enjoy!

Filou-Music’s Podcast #08 by Baeks

Filou-Music’s Podcast #08 by Baeks

After coan’s release ‚Acht Winter‘ on our label last december, the time has come to hear a little bit more from one of the duo. DJ Baeks -also Robot Army resident and organizer- created a deep and groovy summertechno mix for Filou-Music’s Podcast series. He himself describes the vinyl mix as „a crate digging round trip through two decades of electronic music – oscillating somewhere between analog, detroity and jackin moods“. no more words to say – enjoy!

Filou-Music’s Podcast #07 by Beachman

Filou-Music’s Podcast #07 by Beachman

We are happy to announce a new artist on Filou-Music: Beachman from Barcelona, who will release his first track on our label end of summer. To shorten the waiting time, we present you his newest podcast to give a small foretaste – perfect for the summer.
So keep eyes and ears open and enjoy the music !!!

‚Vivet‘ by S.Sic & Sinisa Lukic / Filou-Music 08 Trailer

‚Vivet‘ by S.Sic & Sinisa Lukic / Filou-Music 08
Clip-Track: ‚Another Dude‘ by S.Sic

Artist: S.Sic
Remixer: Sinisa Lukic
Release: Vivet
Tracks: Another Dude / Drunter (Sinisa Lukic Remix)
Mastering: Helmut Erler @ Dubplates & Mastering , Berlin

Alright here comes Filou-Music’s 8th release called Vivet. With Sinisa Lukic, who runs since 2008 his own label Kaseta Music in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we’ve gained a new interesting artist for our label. He remixed S.Sic’s Track Drunter from our WirrWarr EP and the result is a dry, tech-house track which is made for the peaktime. The second player in the game this time is Filou-Music’s Labelhead S.Sic, who delivers a new deep, rolling technotrack called Another Dude.
As usual we don’t want to make too many words…so have a listen for yourself and enjoy!

Vivet‘ heißt Filou-Music’s neueste Veröffentlichung und läutet damit die achte Runde für das Berliner Label ein. Mit Sinisa Lukic, der seit 2008 sein Label Kaseta Music in Bosnien und Herzegowina betreibt, konnte ein neuer interessanter Künstler gewonnen werden. Sein Remix von S.Sics ‚Drunter‘ von der WirrWarr EP ist ein treibender, schnörkelloser Tech-House Track, der definitiv in die Beine geht. Als Zweiter im Bunde beschert uns Labelchef S.Sic mit ‚Another Dude‘ einen neuen, rollenden Deep-Techno Track.
Wie immer wollen wir hier nicht allzu viele Worte machen, hört es euch am besten selbst an…viel Spaß dabei!

Helmut Erler, Dubplates & Mastering, Berlin

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