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Micha Stahl - Filou-MusicFilou-Music

Micha Stahl

In 1993 Micha Stahl came the first time in touch with the Tresor Club and was really fascinated by the energy of the music and the scene. After spinning his first records in 1997 he picked up two years later a residency at Subtunes (Subground/Berlin), where he was playing mounthly the ‚warm up‘ and the ‚outro‘ for Andre Galluzzi.

In 2001 Micha Stahl became a Resident/’Headquarter DJ‘ at Tresor Club (Berlin), which made the club to his home and springboard in one. This was shortly followed by a second new residency at the legendary Electric Ballroom (SO36) and he started playing gigs at nearly all Berlin Techno Clubs (Ostgut, Pfefferbank, Maria, Casino etc.) as well as all over Germany and countries like Italy, Israel, Spain, France, Russia, UK, Poland, Switzerland, Holland, Austria…

Furthermore he was co-organizer of a successful party series called Underground-Berlin in the early 2000s. Each event took place at a different old, raw and secret location under the surface of Berlin like in old vaults under Alexanderplatz or at the basement of an abandoned brewery.

After more than 100 gigs played at Tresor, he left the club as a friend in 2006 to try new things. Over the next few years Micha Stahl started, in addition to his gigs, producing own tracks, set up his own studio and finished an education as an audio engineer. Together with his good mate S.Sic he runs since 2013 his own Label Filou-Music, which released 10 EPs meanwhile.



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